WordPress database error: [Can't find record in 'wp_options']SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_GFCache_c406248ad9ccfd1e11698cd999549917' LIMIT 1
WordPress database error: [Duplicate entry '_transient_GFCache_c406248ad9ccfd1e11698cd999549917' for key 'option_name']INSERT INTO `wp_options` (`option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`) VALUES ('_transient_GFCache_c406248ad9ccfd1e11698cd999549917', 'a:2:{i:0;O:8:\"stdClass\":2:{s:7:\"form_id\";s:1:\"1\";s:10:\"lead_count\";s:1:\"5\";}i:1;O:8:\"stdClass\":2:{s:7:\"form_id\";s:1:\"2\";s:10:\"lead_count\";s:1:\"2\";}}', 'no') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `option_name` = VALUES(`option_name`), `option_value` = VALUES(`option_value`), `autoload` = VALUES(`autoload`)
Higher fixation yield
Optimized dyeing process
Special wash-off process
1. Salt
2. Sera Lube Neo (lubricant)
3. Selected Levafix / Remazol dyes
4. Alkali
5. Sera Fast C-RD
6. Acetic acid 60%
Remazol Golden Yellow RGB 150%
Remazol Ultra Yellow RGBN
Remazol Ultra Orange RGBN
Remazol Ultra Carmine RGB
Remazol Ultra Red RGB
Remazol Navy RGB 150%
Remazol Midnight Black RGB 01
Remazol Brill. Blue BB 133%
Remazol Red RB 133%
Remazol Brill. Violet 5R
Remazol Black B 133%
Remazol Deep Black RGB
Remazol Yellow RR
Remazol Red RR
Remazol Blue RR
Remazol Yellow SAM
Remazol Red SAM
Remazol Blue SAM
Remazol Grey SAM
Remazol Gold SAM
Remazol Terra Cotta SAM
Remazol Pacific SAM
Remazol Space SAM
Levafix Brill. Yellow CA
Levafix Yellow CA
Levafix Amber CA
Levafix Amber CA-N
Levafix Orange CA
Levafix Brill. Red CA
Levafix Fast Red CA
Levafix Red CA
Levafix Red CA-N
Levafix Rubine CA
Levafix Olive CA 100
Levafix Blue CA
Levafix Dark Blue CA
Levafix Navy CA
Dye selection is based on high fixation yield and good wash-off behavior
Optidye PES
– Improve Right-First-Time performance
Scour/dyeing and in-bath reduction clearing
Alternatives in reduction clearing
1. Critical temperature range:
Dyestuff groups
2. Rate of rise:
Levelling properties
Levelling agents
Circulation time
Contact cycle
3. Dyeing time at max. temperature:
Dyestuff diffusion